Thursday, June 19, 2008

Samantha's Belated Birthday Party

Ever since Samantha's birthday our weekends have been totally booked, so Samantha finally got to have her friends over last Thursday night for her "party." They spent a lot of their time giggling and being silly. I think they had a good time.
You probably can't tell, but the cake has a bunch of musical notes. The girls were talking about what notes were on the cake and as I cut into a 16th note the girls said, "So what does that make it now?" and they all laughed as they joked that it was now a 32nd note. LOL!
I'm glad they are all self professed "band geeks" and really good girls :D


Christie said...

Yippee for good friends, I sure hope liza finds some soon. :-)

Ben said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Samantha!

SJacobus said...

Very fun. I love the notes thing. Happy belated birthday Samantha!