Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Thanksgiving Break

The kids had 10 days off school, which I love because I LOVE lazy mornings. Most days we just took our time getting out of the house with something to do each day, and I also had them work on a project (more info on that in another blog)
On Monday we went for one last adventure with the Victors and hiked up Pilot Butte. It has been so warm we were all sweating making our way up the butte.
The kids played around for awhile at the base of the butte before we headed over to Pilot Butte Drive In for some "good eats"
This year for Thanksgiving we decided to go to my favorite restaurant for dinner and it was WONDERFUL!!
No stress about getting everything ready and warm at the same time, and NO MESS!! I also wasn't forcing turkey down my kids' throats, because "If I made a turkey, you're going to eat it!" Instead they munched on whatever they wanted at the buffet. I could have my turkey and they could have their ham and everything was DELICIOUS!!
I don't think I'd want to eat out every year, but this year, it was PERFECT!!
(it was also very fun to be sitting next to the Victor's at the restaurant as they were leaving in the morning for their new home in Alaska)


Christie said...

Sounds like such a relaxing time. Great.. I can't wait to hear about the project.

Anonymous said...

That's the way to do it, especially if you don't have any guests, like us. How thoughtful of us to arrive and leave when we did.

SJacobus said...

We did it that way one year when we went 4-wheeling at Thanksgiving time. I didn't care for it so much, but I will definitely admit it was a lot less work.