Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Gettin' the boot

No, I haven't died. I joined a local gym's "Bootcamp" and it is pretty intensive. The class itself is only 2 mornings a week for an hour, but there are exercises and stretches we have to do every day at home, tracking calories, food logs, group hikes, homework articles to read and report on as well as mandatory get togethers, so that we get to know each other and become a support to one another. This has taken up most of my free time (especially in the evenings) and since I am up early to be at the gym for 5:15, I've been going to bed earlier too. Not too much time to blog. But I have stuff to share, so stay tuned. I'll hopefully get some of the fun stuff up next week (since Benji and Shawna are visiting this weekend I doubt much will get done this weekend either)

This is our fearless leader Matt and he is a great motivator and totally makes the workouts fun and is a great support, and won't let you "Fight for your right to suck." I have promised to "surrender to the process" even though it is hard. I will keep you posted on how it's going. This beginner bootcamp lasts 4 weeks, then there is a bit of a break followed by 6 weeks of "advanced bootcamp" (if I graduate :D)


brittany said...

can you walk yet? you are good to do boot camp, i wish i was doing it with you, we would have so much fun. i'm so impressed that you are up so early in the morning AND going to bed early. i should be following your example. i miss you. have fun with your visitors, i can't wait to see more frequent updates...

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Tracey. Wish I could participate with you. Sounds like a fun way to get fit.

Sarah said...

So fun!!! I so need to get my butt in gear and do something like that. It sounds awesome. Have so much fun and way to go for getting up early AND going to bed early! I am so impressed!

Becky said...

Wow, that's great! I could never get up that early to exercise. You know me! But I do find the time to ride my exercise bike or walk/jog outside when the weather's nice.

We're going to Utah next week. Jeromy has a conference in Park City, so we'll be in the Salt Lake area for a few days and then Richfield. We're having dinner at Heather's house Sunday night!

AceMott6 said...

You can totaly do this. I have been going to the gym @ 5:15 for almost a year and a half and now it's just the norm. It's also the best time to get whatever machine you want! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I hope that photo of him was not taken last week!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like quite a program - I am impressed. I am sure you are sleeping well at night too. Good luck and I will look forward to hearing how it all goes.

SJacobus said...

We miss you, but we understand. Good luck in your goals!

Gbryan said...

Hows the bootcamp going? I need something like that!!

Christie said...

Wow, he looks scary... I owuld do what he says.