Thursday, November 27, 2008

Quirky Things

Not too long ago my friend Amanda tagged me with a 6 Quirky Things tag.
So here are 6 of my many quirky characteristics

1. I don't/won't carry a purse. I just keep my license and bank card in my back pocket.

2. I like fries with mayonaise. Anyone I've told about this thinks it's gross, but in looking for a picture online found out it is quite popular in Holland! Perhaps I have Dutch ancestry I am not aware of.

3. I hate birds. More accurately I hate birds flying near or over me.

4. I am the only female between the age of 12 and 40 who hasn't read Twilight. I don't like Fantasy at all!

5. I have a blue "Club Monaco" sweatshirt I bought in '85 (that's 23 years ago folks!) that I wore to numerous track and basketball practices, games, races, college, and more recently morning runs, or for just lounging around, and I continue to wear and love it... holes and all.

6. I like things made from tomatoes, like ketchup, salsa, tomato soup, even bruschetta, but hate tomatoes au naturel.
Now I supposed to tag 6 people. So let your quirky shine: Sherry, Shawna, Tricia, Sarah, Gabi, and Amy :D


AceMott6 said...

I LOVE fries with mayo too!!! I don't eat it too often when I'm out with friends because I didn't want to gross them out! How funny!

Christie said...

What a fun post. It's nice to know that I knew all your quirks... :-) You really should try reading Twilight, you just may like it. :-)

The Bryan's said...

Loved the post. I didn't know any of your quirks. It was fun to read. I never met any girl that doesn't carry a purse around. The bird thing is funny too. You may like Twilight, at least the first book which is the best. I don't think the movie would be easily understood unless you read the books. I'm sure the girls have already bugged you to read the books.

Unknown said...

Cute Post....However I am bewildered about the mayonaise thing. If you like catsup......why not just fry sauce and have the best of both worlds.

Anonymous said...

I am with you on the birds thing. And also I don't tell too many people this but I read Twilight and didn't love love love it. It was okay, but I am a little bewildered by the phenomenon of it all - I also have never been a big fan of fantasy so maybe that is it.

Bill Cook said...

FRYS with Mayo. Belgium is famous for them - called Pommes Frit!! Ask Brent. I love them too.

Belgian Pommes Frit are really delicious. The fries are double deep fried (Initially deep fried as usual then left to cool for a while then re-fried so that they become slightly crusty on the outside). They are, of course, typically served with Mayo - sometimes both Mayo and Ketchup in separate cups.

Sarah said...

I think most of Europe eats fries with mayo. Ketchup is totally an american thing. I love fry sauce in Utah and had forgotten about it until you mentioned the mayo! :) I love the quirks, I also am so not a fan of birds, they freak me out!

Becky said...

I loved Twilight. I started reading it this summer, just a couple weeks before the last book came out. The first one is definitely my favorite. You should read that one and not worry about committing to the whole series. I also loved the movie! Jeromy took me to see it, and when it was over, he said, "That was really good." So he liked it, too!

Fries and mayonnaise--how can you go wrong with that combo? Yum. I always feel guilty if I sneak a fry into the mayo, though. It's such a fatty indulgence. Jeromy hates mayo so it would really gross him out. Maybe that's why I have to be sneaky.

brittany said...

fries and mayo, that is something i never knew about you... you learn something new every day.

oh and get this, you remember the whole license nightmare. guess who found it when we were moving, oh yes, ryan found it under the fridge, so when you lose your license because you carry it around in your pocket like me, be sure to check there first. ha ha ha.