"Are you a Ninja?" Is one of the favorite games the kids played in their recent Karate class. Their sensei was awesome and I was surprised to find that Abby actually enjoyed the class more the Ethan did!
Unfortunately I took the camera twice to their class, and both times the camera was out of batteries, so I only have this picture of their last day of class just before we left.
This is very cute. Somehow Elise doesn't look very threatening, but she might surprise us, since size doesn't matter in martial arts.
Such a cute photo. I love Ethan's face.
I love it when the kids luck out on having a good teacher/mentor/sensei or whatever it is. It makes the world of difference in the class.
Would you recommend it for kids Abby's age? I've been thinking about it for Theron since there is a karate place right down the road from us.
Abby really liked the karate and the discipline. I think Ethan likes a little more "freedom" to run around more rather than practice poses and strength exercises. Depends on the child I suppose. Does he focus well?
Looks like it was a fun time. I wonder if Alex would benefit from Karate. Maybe that would help with his anger and he LOVES structure.
Chris, I'm sure Alex would LOVE it, now that I think about it!
Very fun. Are they ready to break bricks yet?
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