Saturday, May 10, 2008

Goodbye to the Cheat

Today for "Riverfest" the 3 youngest and I went down to the river for the river clean up. We were shown pictures of the various weeds and thistles to pull and given a yellow plastic bag.
We were given this area of cheatgrass (weed) and thistles to clear out.

The kids were real troopers.

2 hours later we finished with almost a bag full of weeds and a small dent in the battle against the cheat grass.
See how nice and clean it is now? No more cheat :D


Christie said...

Wow what a project! Sounds like an interesting day. I never knew that Cheat grass was such a problem.

SJacobus said...

Was this for the "Let's pull together" event? Good job you guys!