Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bag Tag

My sister bag tagged me forever ago and I am finally getting to it. Strange that she should pick me, she being my sister and all should know I do NOT carry a purse, bag... nothing. I lost my wallet once in Jr. High and I haven't carried a purse since (ok, occasionally on a night out I might take one- but 99.9% of the time this is my "purse" where I carry all necessary items: my trusty back pocket!!

My lack of a purse bugs Brad to no end, he even bought me a beautiful purse in Italy, but if I use it I might loose it! So, it makes its appearance on those evenings we go out together and the only thing/person I have to keep track of is me... and my purse.
When Christie "bag tagged" me this was what was in my pocket.

Just so happens I had been to the vet and the library that day hence those cards, and the only reason I am carrying cash is because I.... ahem.... lost my bank card. Usually I only carry my bank card and my license stays in the car. Brad seems to think had I a purse I wouldn't have lost my bank card, but I argue, I might have lost my whole purse!! Now I only have to replace my bank card... nothing else that I would have been carrying in my purse and I still have my lovely Italian purse. Makes sense doesn't it?

I tag Annika, Becky and Shawna


Christie said...

For those of you who are just getting to know Tracy be for warned, her lack of a purse usually means that she ends up places with out a form of payment! (this was VERY common as a child). Of course she may not pull this on her friends, it may be just family that she bums money off of. :-) I loved your theory on the bank card though..... You're so silly, grow up and carry a purse will you?!

Shawna said...

Never been bag tagged before...am I just supposed to list what is in my purse? Oh dear....I still carry a diaper bag. This could be scary.

Does Christie have a blog?

brittany said...

ha ha your post made me laugh. you are soooooo much like me. we are totally the same! i can't believe that we both lose important cards and our husbands hate it. crazy how similar we are. get it? he he i'm rotfl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tracey said...

Yeah, for the bag tag take a pic of your bag and the contents in it. Fun!

Becky said...

I don't know, Tracey. There's so much crap in my bag right now! Maybe I'll do it later.

I can't believe you don't carry any kind of bag! I've been carrying a diaper bag/purse combo for almost 7 years now.

SJacobus said...

This is funny. So what are you going to do for HFPE Pursonal night?