See what a beautiful day it was??
Days like this are the ones skiiers live for (at least this one!). GREAT day!!
Days like this are the ones skiiers live for (at least this one!). GREAT day!!
Messing around with friends after the concert
Watch soon for her solo debut on March 6!!
We rang in 2010 in a more quiet fashion this year. My dad made it down here just in time.
Somehow I don't have many pictures of my dad's visit, but we had a good time.
Here we are out to supper one night.
Samantha was invited to participate in another honor band. This group included the best players in Central Oregon. It was probably my favorite concert of Samantha's I have ever been to. It was nice music, entertaining and not too stuffy.
Way to go Samantha... another honor band!
January also means "Pinewood Derby" time. Ethan did a great job of cutting the wood all himself, even sustaining an injury. When he sliced his hand and saw all the blood he turned white as a sheet and told me "I feel dizzy," so we quickly sat him down to help him recover. It was a pretty good gash. He didn't use any power tools at all. It was all done with a saw, chisel and sandpaper. I was very impressed that he kept with it.
So, here it is. The completed car It was not very fast however :-(
Here they are waiting for their turn on the track. Ethan was a really good sport about his losses, and Brad has vowed to help a bit more next year and look into the fine art of Pinewood Derby car creation.